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Loved it! There is some bug with shadows after the restart tho!


Thank you! The shadow bug was reported a few days ago and has been fixed since! Again, thanks for playing!

Great, thank you!

Got recommended to play this game by an individual that goes by 'iRuneVR'. Not sure if that is you on YT, (I assumed so in my video due to 'Rune' being in both your names.) but I decided to give this game a shot. Not a bad game at all and is pretty good. The only real grip I have is just my lack of skill which makes the game unnecessarily difficult. However, I can't offer much in terms of feedback since I was only able to beat the game on 'Easy', lmao. I just DO NOT have a knack for typing fast. Regardless, I guess I can suggest adding more potential questions to type into the GPT and making the length/difficulty to type those questions scale with the game difficulty. Aside from that, I don't have any more ideas as I experienced no real issues while playing. Good game! Genuinely made me want to improve my typing speed while playing.

when I'm playing the game I can't type two symbols: ' and ? 

I tried calibrating multiple times and switching to the "English (United States) - US" keyboard layout but nothing worked

Deleted 60 days ago

Hello! I just pushed a new update which should resolve these issues! Be sure to give a try and let me know if it still doesn’t work.

Thanks! The problems with the typing are now fixed and the game is super fun! But for some reason when you retry after failing the models of the characters become darker which you can see in the video.
(1 edit)

Interesting bug, should be an easy fix though, thanks for notifying me of it! Good job on beating one of the difficulties, they’re all pretty tough. (Fixed as of 19/7/2024)

damn that was surpsingly hard, it was fun tho :)